Friday, September 28, 2007

CEU Repository

Did you ever wonder at NCTRC recertification time, "Now what did I do with those CEU transcripts?" If you have moved and misplaced the box containing your ATRA files, accidentally threw them away, your dog ate them, or just plain can't remember where they are - you are not alone. Every year in March and September ATRA receives numerous calls from members needing copies of their transcripts from the last 5 years. If you are one of these people, the CEU Repository is for you!

Requirements are that you must:

1. Remain an ATRA member in good standing.

2. Update your personal information with ATRA.

3. Pay the Annual CEU Maintenance fee ($25) for which you are billed annually.

4. Purchase a transcript at the conference you are attending. ATRA CEU Repository tracks ATRA conferences and CEUs provided by ATRA to other workshops. You are responsible for non-ATRA CEU workshops.

Transcripts will be sent out around September 15th for November 1st recertification or March 15th for May 1st recertification. ATRA will also provide an annual update on the number of CEUs received during that year.

You can also save money by using the CEU Repository. This year ATRA provided 25 transcripts to a person who took advantage of the CEU Repository. If they had not had this service, it would have cost them $375 for duplicate transcripts. Instead, it only cost the annual CEU Maintenance fee of $25 per year.

So go to the CEU link on our website,, complete the application, maintain your ATRA Membership, and the nominal CEU Maintenance fee. At your five year NCTRC recertification, ATRA will send you copies of your ATRA transcripts from the five year cycle. It's that simple!

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